Monthly Tuition:

$50.00 per student

(College Student Discounts offered at the center with current student college schedule) 

There will be a $50 Annual non-refundable Registration Fee 
for each student

Families with more than one student will have a 
$80 Annual non-refundable Registration Fee

Annual Community Center Membership

Youth (Ages 17 & Younger)               
Adult (Ages 18-59)                                 
Senior (Ages 60 )                                   
Family (5 people/1 address)               
Additional Family                                  

Absences: No refunds or deductions will be made for lessons missed. 

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Classroom Rules & Dress Code
Resident                Non-Resident 
$25                             $45
$40                             $60
$20                             $35
$100                           $150
$15                             $25